

Bienvenue à la ferme

The Croq‘jardin (restaurant) and the Croq’goûter (snack) can be enjoyed outdoors, in a shaded area.

We harvest the vegetables from our garden every morning and we cook them that day.

Only on reservation, in case of allergies please inform us the day before.

Organic vegetarian meals

Depending on the season, we offer cakes with “10.000 herbs”, carrot cake, greens, tarts, lemon green soup, chard rolls, goat cheese with flowers, raw and cooked veggies, delicious sautéed potatoes with their sauces and homemade bread.


Weekends and holydays
from 12:30AM.

Tuesday, Thurday, Saturday and Sunday
from 12:30AM.

Until July 14th :
Tuesday, Thurday, Saturday and Sunday
from 12:30AM.

From July 15th to August 31st

Tuesday, Thurday, Saturday and Sunday
from 12:30AM.

The 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th
Last entries : 5PM.


Bookings only before 10am:
(+33) 06 52 70 78 55
as food is prepared every day.

Please contact us for groups.

Cooking envery mornings.

Only garden’s visitors have acces to Croq’Jardin and Croq’goûter.


15 € per adults.
8,50 € per child.


In our vegetable patches, Jeanne is sowing, carefully nurturing vegetables, tomatoes, salads, carrots… and other varied crops.
Herbs, edible flowers and aromatic plants find their way among them.
The raspberries and strawberries are ripening right next door.
From the veggie patch to the kitchen there are only a few steps…
Ecological garden management for the good of the locals as well as Sambucs’ visitors.

Our kitchen's blog

The kitchen’s blog is only available in french. Please go to the french site version to know more (at the page bottom).

Chez MLOU les 2 chambres d'hôtes sont ouvertes : 06 33 30 38 91.
Du 15 juillet au 31 août le jardin est ouvert tous les jours.
Le croq'jardin est ouvert uniquement les samedis et dimanches sur réservation: 065270785
Bed and breakfast chez MLou: 06 33 30 38 91.
From July 15 to August 31 the garden is open every day.
The croq'jardin is only open on Saturdays, Sundays.
Booking: 0652707855