The Eco-garden

An eco-system

In this garden, respectful of its environment, the common vegetation is preserved and valued; the shrubs and trees share space with the cultivated plants.

This great plant diversity of modest appearance encourages the presence of insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles and small mammals.
This community can find shelters and a variety of food and therefore contribute to the proper functioning of the garden ecosystem.
In the stone pools around the pond live some vegetal and animal species well-suited to this environment.

Village's Birds avifauna by Gérard Torreilles

Ecological management

The gardeners foster life by cultivating with the gentlest care.

Nowadays everyone knows the dangers of pesticides and chemical fertilizers for the environment as well as for humans, all know that a garden is connected to the nature that surrounds it…

Particular attention is given to the soil, a living organism; we feed the soil, not the plants.
At the Sambucs all the cuttings and mowing go back to the garden or they are directly placed on the ground between the mature vegetables.
Depending on the crop types, we add compost or decomposed goat manure.
We use nettle, comfrey and horsetail manures to help us care for the crops, when needed.

Build on every terrace, wide nests collect the cuttings, the pulled weeds and the leaves that have fallen through the seasons.

The ecological and economic management of the vegetable garden ensures the autonomy of Croqu’jardin’s cooking.
The vegetable gardens are in the process of getting an organic certification for the second year.
To irrigate the gardens and vegetable patches we collect rain water in big reservoirs.


Close to the values upheld and adopted by the « Park National des Cevennes », the «jardin des Sambucs » has chosen to commit to an improvement initiative by becoming signatory of the European charter for sustainable tourism in protected areas.

This choice aims to encourage a tourism that unites art and ecology, conviviality and the pleasure of the senses.
This is an Eco-garden organized around discovery and the exchange of know-how related to good gardening, artistic, culinary and building practices.
See guides visits on the french website .

Workshops, temporary or permanent events are offered as well as the use of a well-endowed garden library and a curiosity cabinet.

The garden was given the label « Esprit parc national », we are committed to the preservation of the environment and the protection of the territories.

Chez MLOU les 2 chambres d'hôtes sont ouvertes : 06 33 30 38 91.
Ouverture du jardin le samedi 12 avril, en semaine du lundi au vendredi.
Bed and breakfast chez MLou: 06 33 30 38 91.
Garden opening in April.